
Bals Elektrotechnik - people oriented
Many loyal employees closely related to the company have only one goal: to make you, our customers, 100% satisfied. This applies to the highest quality standards applicable to our products, as well as tailored services and personal connections between people.

Our responsibility for the highest quality
Quality does not allow compromise. This maxim has always been true in BALs. All factories have passed ISO-9001 certification, and the manufacturing process ensures the well-known high product quality. This is reflected in patents, certificates of testing institutions at home and abroad and BALs product specifications of very well-known companies. For us, innovation is an important quality standard. We constantly set new standards through intelligent solutions to bring sustainable benefits to users - whether multi-grip or screw free technology


Our responsibility to the people and the region
As a family business, we are well aware of our special responsibilities. We provide stable jobs, promote everyone's development, and are clearly committed to our long-term and growing location.
It's also important for us to think about the future: that's why we create qualified apprentices in various professional fields every year. We support many domestic activities and employ a disproportionate number of persons with disabilities.

Our responsibility for the environment
We are Sauerland people wholeheartedly. We know and love our region. It is more important for us to preserve and protect this unique landscape for future generations. It is natural for us to save resources as much as possible, the highest environmental standards and the permanent improvement of ecological efficiency at all levels. Every employee of BALs is aware of this responsibility to man and nature.

通州市| 信阳市| 香格里拉县| 阿坝| 安陆市| 甘谷县| 天全县| 汨罗市| 宁阳县| 扎赉特旗| 富源县| 天门市| 平湖市| 临漳县| 鹤庆县| 明溪县| 西藏| 珠海市| 佳木斯市| 温州市| 贵阳市| 龙游县| 永善县| 娄烦县| 溆浦县| 都安| 泰顺县| 石门县| 鄂温| 文登市| 临武县| 城固县| 五寨县| 三门峡市| 华池县| 长宁区| 虹口区| 冕宁县| 墨江| 绥化市| 诸城市|